Mahindra has launched the NuvoSport at a price beginning at Rs 7.35 lakh and going up to Rs 9.76 lakh. The NuvoSport is the replacement for the Quanto, and will sell alongside the TUV 3OO.
The NuvoSport is powered by a 1.5-litre 100 bhp, 24kgm diesel engine that powers the rear wheels via a five-speed gearbox. You can opt either for a manual or AMT gearbox. The top variants will also get Mahindra’s ‘Micro Hybrid’ feature, which is essentially a start/stop system. There are no plans for a petrol line at the moment. Those top-spec variants also get a 6.2-inch colour touchscreen system from the Ssangyong Rexton, and this is a nice upmarket touch. All but the base N4 variant get ABS and airbags as standard, which is a great move from the manufacturer. Even the base variant gets a ‘plus’ variant that adds those features.
The complete price list for the different variants is as follows. All prices are ex-showroom, Thane.
Mahindra NuvoSport N4 – Rs 7.35 lakh
Mahindra NuvoSport N4+ – Rs 7.65 lakh
Mahindra NuvoSport N6 – Rs 8.36 lakh
Mahindra NuvoSport N6 AMT – Rs 9.00 lakh
Mahindra NuvoSport N8 – Rs 9.12 lakh
Mahindra NuvoSport N8 AMT – Rs 9.76 lakh